I have a table called installment which contains one column installment, and have an altered the table and added one more column called previous_instalment
it contains 0 by default. Up to this, it is working fine
- |-------- |---------------|
1 |7500 | 0 |
2 |1500 | 0 |
3 |850 | 0 |
4 |900 | 0 |
Now I want my previous_instalment column should be like this
- |-------- |---------------|
1 |7500 | 0 |
2 |1500 | 7500 |
3 |850 | 1500 |
4 |900 | 850 |
and so on
I want output as above
I use this query
select * from tmp_tst ;
UPDATE tmp_tst as ud
select id,ifnull(added_instalments - lag(prev_instalment) OVER (ORDER BY Id),0) as tf FROM tmp_tst
) as t
on ud.id=t.id
set ud.prev_instalment=t.tf;
select * from marketing.tmp_tst;
it showing me the wrong result
Consider the following select
select id, instalement,
lag(instalment, 1, 0) over(order by id) prev_instalment
from mytable
We can easily turn this to an update / join:
update mytable t
inner join (
select id, lag(instalment, 1, 0) over(order by id) prev_instalment
from mytable
) x on x.id = t.id
set t.prev_instalment = x.prev_instalment