I have data across two sheets in Excel and i am trying to put together a formula in Excel that says:
Assume i am in the cell B1 in Sheet 2
IF the character length in Sheet 1, cell A1 is greater than 35 character
if true - return "Text:" + whatever is in the cell A1 in Sheet 1 in full length
if false - do nothing
So far i have tried:
This returns #VALUE! in the cell B1, Sheet 2. The problem is probably in combining the text and the cell value in the if_true result. Looks like a simple formula, but i can't wrap my head around this.
Thanks for any help!
Try below-
=IF(LEN(Sheet1!A1)>35,"Text:" & Sheet1!A1,"")
Comma (,)
and semicolon (;)
depend on regional settings.