It is a 3d application using MRTK. The PC build is responding to Mouse Click. But in the UWP build for XAML project, the buttons in the application are not recognizing mouse click. Though it is taking input from keyboard and from touch screen. Unity: 2019 Visual Studio: 2019 Build Type: UWP- XAML project
MRTK is designed specifically for mixed reality experience, it currently does not support building to a 2D desktop platform, we should deploy and test on the HoloLens device or emulator.
For Build Type, our recommendation is to use D3D
unless you are using the TouchScreenKeyboard
API in your project to use the system keyboard, you need to export as XAML.
If you want to use mouse input in HoloLens device(such as pair a Bluetooth mouse with the HoloLens2 device) you can enable this feature in MRTK by adding a new Input Data Provider of type MouseDeviceManager
to the MRTK input profile
and assigning the MixedRealityMouseInputProfile
to the data provider. After that, the MousePointer
will power a screen to world raycast for far interactions, more information please see: Pointers