Search code examples

No mapping found for [@timestamp] in order to sort logstash

I am getting this error "No mapping found for [@timestamp] in order to sort logstash"

My conf file

input { elasticsearch {
 hosts => ["localhost"]
 index => "employees_data"
 query => '{ "query": { "match_all": { } } }'
 scroll => "5m"
 docinfo => true}}filter {elasticsearch {
 hosts => ["localhost"]
 index => "transaction_data"
 query => "code:1"
 fields => { 
             "payment" => "Payment"
             "moth"=>"Month"}}}output {elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost"]index => "join"}}


  • This is because of the sort parameter of the elasticsearch filter plugin. If unspecified, it defaults to @timestamp:desc and you probably don't have that field.

    Just make the following change and you should be good to go:

    filter {
        elasticsearch {
            hosts => ["localhost"]
            index => "transaction_data"
            query => "code:1"
            sort => "code:asc"                   <--- add this line
            fields => {
                "payment" => "Payment"