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regex for matching a string into words but leaving multiple spaces

Here's what I expect. I have a string with numbers that need to be changed into letters (a kind of cipher) and spaces to move into different letter, and there is a tripple spaces that represent a space in output. For example, a string "394 29 44 44 141 6" will be decrypted into "Hell No".

function string.decrypt(self)
    local output = ""

    for i in self:gmatch("%S+") do
        for j, k in pairs(CODE) do
            output = output .. (i == j and k or "")

    return output

Even though it decrypts the numbers correctly I doesn't work with spacebars. So the string I used above decrypts into "HellNo", instead of expected "Hell No". How can I fix this?


  • You can use

    CODE = {["394"] = "H", ["29"] = "e", ["44"] = "l", ["141"] = "N", ["6"] = "o"}
    function replace(match)
        local ret = nil
        for i, v in pairs(CODE) do
            if i == match then
                ret = v
        return ret
    function decrypt(s)
        return s:gsub("(%d+)%s?", replace):gsub("  ", " ")
    print (decrypt("394 29 44 44   141 6"))

    Output will contain Hell No. See the Lua demo online.

    Here, (%d+)%s? in s:gsub("(%d+)%s?", replace) matches and captures one or more digits and just matches an optional whitespace (with %s?) and the captured value is passed to the replace function, where it is mapped to the char value in CODE. Then, all double spaces are replaced with a single space with gsub(" ", " ").