i am working on practice problems simple OOP concepts using java the question gives a uml diagram and asks to implement . i went through a problem it asks me to access a method in the grandparent class from the child class.
see illustration :
class Grandparent {
public void Print() {
System.out.println("Grandparent's Print()");
class Parent extends Grandparent {
public void Print() {
System.out.println("Parent's Print()");
class Child extends Parent {
public void Print() {
super.super.Print(); // Trying to access Grandparent's Print()
System.out.println("Child's Print()");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Child c = new Child();
i have done my reasearch everywhere i found that java doesn't allow that due to apllying Encpculation however it is allowed in C++ , my question is can i do something to get that method from grandparent class beside the not allowed ( super.super.method() ) statement in java .
i mean can i change the structure in such a way i kep the inhertiance as it is and can access that method with missing the UML .
There is no way to call super.super.foo() in java.
You can do it implicitly by:
public class Grandparent {
public void Print() {
System.out.println("Grandparent's Print()");
class Parent extends Grandparent {
public void Print() {
super.Print(); // Here we can add a call to Print() from Grandparent.
System.out.println("Parent's Print()");
class Child extends Parent {
public void Print() {
System.out.println("Child's Print()");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Child c = new Child();