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How to set individual layout properties for feature points with mapbox-gl?

I have an array of feature points, and wan't to update some layout properties on each feature point, individually. How to I do this?

This is what I have so far.

const features = getVisibleFeatures();
// This updates all. Not what I wan't. Each feature should have different offset.
map.setLayoutProperty("ports", "text-offset", [5, 5]);

Each feature should have it's own text-offset, based on individual values. How do I achieve this?


@steve-bennett offers some great suggestion in the comments below, but unfortunately they don't work with layout properties and the text-offset values.

It's important that a solution can work with this.


  • After a lot of searching, trial and error, I figured out I could do this:

    map.setLayoutProperty("ports", "text-offset", {
        property: "id",
        type: "categorical",
        stops: [
          ["0", [2, 1]],
          ["1", [2, 0]],
          ["2", [0, 2]],
        default: [0, 0],

    "0", "1" and "2" is matched against the field. So I can do something like this:

      map.setLayoutProperty("layout-id", "text-offset", {
        property: "id",
        type: "categorical",
        stops: => {
          const x = node.vx;
          const y = node.vy;
          return [, [x, y]];
        default: [0, 0],