I want to get length of my some type of file from my server like : .mp4 , .xml , .png , and custom file type .500 !
I printed length with C# code in unity with :
public class Tmp_ContentLength : MonoBehaviour {
public List<string> urls = new List<string> ();
void Start () {
for (int i = 0; i < urls.Count; i++) {
print (urls[i]);
StartCoroutine (GetFileSize (urls[i],
(size) => {
print ("File Size::> " + size);
IEnumerator GetFileSize (string url, Action<Int32> result) {
UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequest.Head (url);
yield return uwr.SendWebRequest ();
string size = uwr.GetResponseHeader ("Content-Length");
if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError) {
print("Error While Getting Length: " + uwr.error);
if (result != null)
result (-1);
} else {
if (result != null)
result (Convert.ToInt32 (size));
urls field fill with true Urls in inspector.
So, I can get length of all files in unity editor, but when I export .apk and run it, I will get print of .mp4 and .png , not .xml and .500(my custom file type ) .
1- Is there any issue or I,m wrong? 2- How can I enable Content-length header for .xml and my custom file type? 3- What is different between unity editor and android for get Content-length ?
Best Regards and sorry for bad English!
So, After try over and over! I found we need to disable gzip on sever and I do it with .htaccess files