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How to update time-to-live of an entry using Redisson client in Java?

Let's say I'd like to store an object A in Redis using RMapCacheReactive and Redisson.
In the beginning, I put it into the map with 10 000 ms TTL by the key B. Right after that, I put the same object A by the same key B but with zero TTL.
According to the documentation, the put method "stores value mapped by the key with a specified time to live" so my expectation was that A would be stored in that map permanently.
However, it was actually removed after that 10 000 ms passed (it became impossible to get it using Redisson client). Is there a thing that I got wrong?

I checked this behaviour on 3.13.4 and 3.12.5 versions of Redisson.


  • I reported this issue on GitHub Turned out that that was a bug that should be fixed in the next version (3.13.5).