Search code examples

There are 2 tables in SQL Customer and Transaction, Display the customer details who has done maximum number of transactions

Following are the table Attributes:

  1. Customer Table: Customer ID, Customer Name, Address, Email ID and Mobile Number.
  2. Transaction Table: Transaction ID, Transaction Type, Amount and Customer ID.


  • You can join the customer table with an aggregate query that computes their count of transaction:

    select c.*, t.cnt
    from customers c
    inner join (select customerid, count(*) cnt from transactions group by customerid) t
        on t.customerid = c.customerid
    order by t.cnt desc
    limit 1

    If you don't need to display the count of transactions in the resultset, you can also use a correlated subquery for filtering:

    select c.*
    from customers c
    order by (select count(*) from transactions t where t.customerid = c.customerid) desc
    limit 1

    If you want to allow top ties, then one option is to use window functions (available in MySQL 8.0 only):

    select c.*
    from customers c
    inner join (
        select customerid, count(*) cnt, rank() over(order by count(*) desc) rn
        from transactions 
        group by customerid
    ) t on t.customerid = c.customerid
    where t.rn = 1