I am implementing a custom JFR event that samples a counter at a certain interval. It would be awesome if this event and interval could be configured in a .jfc
configuration file like the built-in events. For that to work I need programmatic access to the configured value. Through EventFactory
if have access to the SettingDescriptor
but this gives me only the default value, not the current value.
I had a look at jdk.jfr.internal.settings.PeriodSetting
but this is an internal class.
Custom events can be configured in a .jfc file.
<event name="Foo">
<setting name="enabled">true</setting>
<setting name="period">5 s</setting>
or programmatically with a Map:
Recording r = new Recording();
Map<String, String> settings = new HashMap<>();
settings.put("Foo#enabled", "true");
settings.put("Foo#period", "5 s");
or using fluent API:
The time when events are emitted is determined by the framework:
FlightRecorder.addPeriodicEvent(Foo.class, ()-> {
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.bar = Sampler.sample();
If the field layout of the event is unknown at compile time, so you have to use the EventFactory, you can do:
final EventFactory factory = ...
Event event = factory.newEvent();
Class<Event> eventClass = event.getClass();
FlightRecorder.addPeriodicEvent(eventClass, ()-> {
Event foo = factory.newEvent();
foo.set(0, Sampler.sample());