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JsViews / JsRender table rendering with GroupBy an attribute/property

I am using JsViews to design a template. However I wonder if we can groupBy an attribute based on its string value?

JSON sample:

"ItemDetails": [
        "Amount": 2000,
        "Name": "Horror Book",
        "Amount": 3500,
        "Name": "Horror Book",
        "Amount": 1000,
        "Name": "Children Book",

Current code is outlining each item even if it has the same name.

{{for ItemDetails}}
{{if Amount}}

I want it to have result like this:

Horror Book 5500

Children Book 1000


  • JsRender/JsViews {{for}} and {{props}} tags have built-in support for sorting, filtering etc, but don't have a built-in groupBy feature. But you can fairly easily create one, following similar techniques to the grid with ~total() sample.

    Here is an approach using helper functions:

      {{for ItemDetails sort="Name"}}
        {{if ~groupBy("Name", "Amount")}}

    And here is an alternative version using the filter feature on {{for}}:

      {{for ItemDetails sort="Name" filter=~groupBy groupTotal="Amount"}}