I have a fulltext field in my table. One of the rows is:
"this is the dog that ran over there"
I have the following mysql statements:
FROM `table`
WHERE MATCH (column) AGAINST ('dog that ran')
...returns 0 records
FROM `table`
WHERE `column` LIKE '%dog that ran%'
...returns 1 record
Why the difference? They should both return 1 record, right?
From my answer to another question:
Fulltext search has some bizarre quirks.
For example, the behaviour described in the last paragraphs of this page could be the reason for your problem:
.... for example, although the word “MySQL” is present in every row of the articles table shown earlier, a search for the word produces no results:
mysql> SELECT * FROM articles -> WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('MySQL'); Empty set (0.00 sec)
The search result is empty because the word “MySQL” is present in at least 50% of the rows. As such, it is effectively treated as a stopword. For large data sets, this is the most desirable behavior: A natural language query should not return every second row from a 1GB table. For small data sets, it may be less desirable.
The answer here would be to add more rows, or use boolean search.