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Issues with R markdown, and getting packages

Hi I am having issues with my code-

I input the code-

asn12<-rename(asn12, "inflation=value", "Province=variable")

and keep getting the error message:

Error in mapvalues(x, from = names(replace), to = replace, warn_missing = warn_missing) : `from` and `to` vectors are not the same length.`
4. stop("`from` and `to` vectors are not the same length.")
3. mapvalues(x, from = names(replace), to = replace, warn_missing = warn_missing)
2. revalue(names(x), replace, warn_missing = warn_missing)
1. rename(asn12, "inflation=value", "Province=variable")

I have reshape, ply and dplyr installed.

However, my ply and dplyr say

Attaching package: ‘plyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:reshape’:

rename, round_any

Please help


  • The problem is in how you are specifying the replace parameter in rename function. The messages regarding the packages are normal... The rename function requires a named vector. Something like replace=c(value="inflation", variable="Province")... Possibly, you need to modify your line 4 with:

    asn12<-rename(asn12, replace=c(value="inflation", variable="Province"))