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Rendering local JSON data in vuepress

I have a simple vuepress website, and I'm reading a .json file on the using;

{{ require('./nba.json') }}

It works fine and looks like the image attached;

json on vuepress site

As you can see it doesn't look the best. In vuepress how can I specifically style what is being read from json, ie. change the font size, display the info in a neat way etc?


  • In Vuepress (and Vue + Webpack in general) imported json files are just JavaScript objects so you can use it with Vue to generate anything you want...

    <div v-for="i in items">
        <h2>{{i.Home_neutral}} - {{i.Visitor_Neutral}}</h2>
        <p>{{ i.Date }}</p>
    import data from './nba.json'
    export default {
      data () {
          return {
              items: data

    There are two ways how to use this code.

    1. You can put it into docs/.vuepress/components directory as NbaMatches.vue - it becomes global component and can be used inside any md file as <NbaMatches /> (you will need to wrap the template part - everything above <script> - into <template></template>)
    2. You can just copy/paste above code into any md file directly as is and it should work