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Arduino CSS RGB hex color parsing in C++

I'm using ESP8266 to run my smart room over MQTT.
I'm struggling with converting a string to separated RGB integer values.
The string I get looks like this: #953f4f

I've already tried toInt(), atoi(), atol(), casting, etc.

Here is the code:

    mqtt.subscribe("light/rgb", [] (const String &payload) {
        char msg[payload.length() + 1];
        payload.toCharArray(msg, payload.length() + 1);
        int r = msg[1];

Now I need to find out how to convert ASCII to int.
Unless there's a better way to convert string to an int.


  • If Arduino has strtol then you can do it like this:

    mqtt.subscribe("light/rgb", [] (const String &payload) {
        if (payload.length() != 7) {
            Serial.printf("invalid payload: '%s'\n", payload.c_str());
        long rgb = strtol(payload.c_str() + 1, 0, 16); // parse as Hex, skipping the leading '#'
        int r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
        int g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
        int b = rgb & 0xFF;
        Serial.printf("r=%d, g=%d, b=%d\n", r, g, b);