I used the prefab HandMenu_Large_WorldLock_On_GrabAndPull as a basis for my hand menu. If grabbing the menu and placing it somewhere, I stays there and this behavior is fine for me. But now I want to walk away, looking again at my hand and the menu should reattach to my hand. How to set up HandConstraintPalmUp
to achieve that?
What I tried:
I read here that I could set the SolverHandler
to true or call the method HandConstraintPalmUp.StartWorldLockReattachCheckCoroutine()
but this is actually not setting the SolverHandler
to true, it just stays false. If running it via Holographic Emulation and setting the handler to true by clicking in the editor, it works, but not via OnFirstHandDetected
or OnHandActivate
of HandConstraintPamlUp
. Also the documentation says:
When trying to set the hand constrained object to start following your hand again (based on whether it meets the activation criteria), set the SolverHandler's UpdateSolver to true.
But what is the criteria for the solver to set UpdateSolvers
to true? What am I missing here?
Menu with default settings:
Why is for example the OnClick
-Event on the button BtnClose
working and my call on OnHandActiavte
Actually, since the Use Gaze Activation
checkbox of HandConstraintPalmUp
component is disabled by default, and the coroutine function WorldLockedReattachCheck()
invoked by StartWorldLockReattachCheckCoroutine()
method has a conditional statement will evaluate the useGazeActivation
property to decide whether to execute the statements following. If you did not enable the Use Gaze Activation
, it will never update the UpdateSolver
property to true. You can refer to the source code of this class for details: HandConstraintPalmUp.cs Line 392. To fix it, you can enable the Use Gaze Activation
for your project or update the value of SolverHandler.UpdateSolvers
directly in your code.
Besides, the OnHandActiavte
event is always work fine for me, I can't reproduce your issue on my machine. Could you provide more information about it? And if you have question about how to use it, you can find examples in the HandMenuLayoutExamples
scene under Assets/MRTK/Examples/Experimental/HandMenuLayout/Scenes.