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attempt to reference a deleted function _ gmock

I'm working for the first time with GMock, I'm mocking a class with pure virtual methods, I created an instance from the Mock class

MockInterface mockIntr;

Then I need to pass this mock as a parameter to another function


in this case I got the error : "C2280 : MockInterface::MockInterface(const MockInterface&) : attempt to reference a deleted function"

I'm not sure if the solution is to create a copy constructor in the class MockInterface or there is another way to fix the problem.


  • You're not passing that mock, you're trying to copy it and pass the copy.
    (make_shared<T>(x) means "create a new T from x that we can share", not "let's share x".)

    Create a shared object immediately:

    auto mockIntr = std::make_shared<MockInterface>();