I am trying to configure Cassandra with Drill. I used the same approach given on the link: https://drill.apache.org/docs/starting-the-web-ui/.
I used the following code for New Storage Plugin:
"type": "cassandra",
"hosts": [
"port": 9042,
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"enabled": false
I have attached the Screenshot here.
But I'm getting the following error:
Please retry: Error (invalid JSON mapping)
How can I resolve this?
All the code :
1. Get Drill: Lets get the Drill source
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/drill.git
2. Get Cassandra Storage patch/Download the Patch file from:
3. Apply the patch on top of Drill $ cd drill $ git apply --check ~/Downloads/DRILL-92-CassandraStorage.patch $ git apply ~/Downloads/DRILL-92-CassandraStorage.patch
4. Build Drill with Cassandra Storage & export distribution to /opt/drill
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
$ mkdir /opt/drill
$ tar xvzf distribution/target/*.tar.gz --strip=1 -C /opt/drill
5. Start Sqlline. That it we have finished with the Drill build and installation – and its time we can start using Drill.
$ cd /opt/drill
$ bin/sqlline -u jdbc:drill:zk=local -n admin -p admin
Hit ‘show schemas‘ to view existing schemas.
6. Drill Web interface You should be able to see the Drill web interface on localhost:8047, or whatever your host/port is.
Use this as your config:
"type": "cassandra",
"config": {
"cassandra.hosts": [
"cassandra.port": 9042
"enabled": true
Also, if this doesnt work, know that they are working on a plugin for it now: https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1960