I have this input as an array name $discrepancies.
Source Date Store Register Sales
XBR 8/1/2020 11741 517 1029.611
Xcenter 8/1/2020 11741 517 1047.701
XStore 8/1/2020 11741 517 1047.701
XBR 8/3/2020 11741 517 690.941
Xcenter 8/3/2020 11741 517 730.821
XStore 8/3/2020 11741 517 730.821
XBR 8/4/2020 11741 516 1027.311
Xcenter 8/4/2020 11741 516 1045.401
XStore 8/4/2020 11741 516 1045.401
XBR 8/7/2020 11741 516 688.641
Xcenter 8/7/2020 11741 516 728.521
XStore 8/7/2020 11741 516 728.521
I need to transpose the array to
Date Store Register XBR Xcenter XStore
8/1/2020 11741 517 1029.611 1047.701 1047.701
8/3/2020 11741 517 90.941 730.821 730.821
8/4/2020 11741 516 027.311 1045.401 1045.401
8/7/2020 11741 516 688.641 728.521 728.521
I tried below codes but it works if the array has only one register.
> $discrepancies= import-csv -Path "$OuputFile\discrepancies.csv"
> $pivot = @()
> foreach ($Date in $discrepancies.Date | Select -Unique)
> {
> $Props = [ordered]@{ Date = $Date }
> foreach ($Store in $discrepancies.Store | Select -Unique)
> {
> $Props += [ordered]@{ Store = $Store }
> foreach ($Register in $discrepancies.Register | Select -Unique)
> {
> $Props += [ordered]@{ Register = $Register }
> foreach ($Source in $discrepancies.Source | Select -Unique)
> {
> $Sales = ($discrepancies.where({ $_.Source -eq $Source -and
> $_.Date -eq $Date -and $_.Store -eq $Store -and $_.Register -eq $Register})).Sales
> $Props += @{ $Source = $Sales }
> }
> }
> }
> $pivot += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
> }
I received several "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary:" error message if there are multiple registers in the array. I guess error related to inserting duplicate keys into dictionary but I don't know how to correct it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Let's try and break down the problem into two discrete steps:
For the first step, we can make use of Group-Object
$discrepancies |Group Store,Register,Date
Now that we've grouped the input correctly, we can move ahead with constructing our output:
$discrepancies |Group Store,Register,Date |ForEach-Object {
$entries = $_.Group
Date = $entries[0].Date
Store = $entries[0].Store
Register = $entries[0].Register
XBR = ($entries |Where-Object Source -eq XBR).Sales
XCenter = ($entries |Where-Object Source -eq XCenter).Sales
XStore = ($entries |Where-Object Source -eq XStore).Sales
All entries in each group necessarily has the same Date, Store and Register value (because that's what we asked Group-Object
to group on), so for those we just copy the value of the first entry in the group.