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LuaBind c++ error handler when calling a Lua function

I am little newbie in C++ scripting but I know some things. I'm compiling a plugin that use a function to call an Lua callback using the LuaBind, but the client crashes when function doesn't exists on main.lua, also I'm trying to add an error handler to that functions... I don't know what I can do to solve it.

Here is my code:

        luabind::call_function<int>(L, "onServerFrame", elapsedTime);
    catch (luabind::error& e)
        std::string error = lua_tostring(e.state(), -1);
        std::cout << error << "\n";


  • Solved. Thanks to my friend habi.

    luabind::object func = g[name]; 
    if( func ) { if( luabind::type(func) == LUA_TFUNCTION ) luabind::call_function<void>(L,"onServerFrame", elapsedTime);}