In Angular 9 why do I get this message: Type Items is not assignable to type (Items & NgIterable) | undefined | null
The model is correct. I get no error on the data. The code works but still I get this typescript warning.
the model of myData looks like this:
interface Item {
url: string;
label: string;
export interface Items {
[key:number]: Item ;
<ng-container *ngFor="let card of myData"><!-- here I get the warning -->
some content
ADDED: I forgot to add the example data to make this clearer. It is an array like this:
url: 'todo',
label: 'Rekeningnummer'
url: 'todo',
label: 'Postadres'
I fixed it by using type Item[] instead of Items.
myData: Item[] = [...]
I read that Indexes of the form [key: string]: T can be considered as being always optional. So it seems that I cannot use ? to make the array possibly empty.
export interface Items {
[key:number]?: Item ;