I am facing issue for fetching object from inner object of api response. My api response format is given below
status: true,
message: success,
result: {
name: demo,
url: mysiet.com
I have created two model classes as given below
public class Project {
private ProjectData result;
private String message;
private boolean status;
//constructor, setter and getter functions I am skipping
public class ProjectData {
private String name;
private String url;
//constructor, setter and getter functions I am skipping
In my viewmodel I have send the api request to server as follows
final LiveData<Resource<Project>> source = LiveDataReactiveStreams.fromPublisher(
"Bearer "+this.authCode,
.onErrorReturn(new Function<Throwable, Project>() {
public Project apply(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
Project projects = new Project();
Log.d( TAG , "projectResource error ");
return projects;
.map(new Function<Project, Resource<Project>>() {
public Resource<Project> apply(Project project) throws Exception {
Log.d( TAG , "projectResource full Status "+project.getStatus()); // This retruns correctly
Log.d( TAG , "projectResource full Obj "+project.getResult()); // This is not null hence object works
Log.d( TAG , "projectResource full Obj "+project.getResult().getName()); // This cause error
//The above line cause error
if(project.getStatus() == false){
return Resource.error("projectResource Could not authenticate", null);
return Resource.success(project);
Request is send as given below
Flowable<Project> getProjectData(
@Header("Authorization") String token,
@Header("Accept") String accept
Error I got is given below
The exception could not be delivered to the consumer because it has already canceled/disposed the flow or the exception has nowhere to go to begin with. Further reading: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/What's-different-in-2.0#error-handling | java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method "java.lang.String com.myapppackage.f.c.a()"
I am posting an answer that I used to get values of inner index json object. I am expecting any other solutions too as answers
In model I have created result as Object
datatype as follows
private Object result;
In the view model Map function I did the following to get inner json object
map(new Function<Project, Resource<Project>>() {
public Resource<Project> apply(Project project) throws Exception {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String projectData = gson.toJson(project.getResult());
// The above code return result index as string {"name": "demo", "url": "mysiet.com"}
JSONObject projectObj = new JSONObject( projectData );// get inner json index as object
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.d( TAG , "JSONException : "+e.getMessage());
if(project.getStatus() == false){
return Resource.error(project.getMessage(), null);
return Resource.success(project);
I guess there will be other solutions too , Please be feel free to post answers