I have a C# code that suppose to parse data and uses "@BELL" as Delimeter. (BELL is ASCII code)
But some values have another "@" at the end of it, and thus it looks like this "0.0000000@SS-AA&-BB-C)@@021328@STRING_Price". The CsvParser does split on the first "@" but misses the 2nd occurrence (where it has "@@") and splits fine on the 3rd occurrence. The data cannot be modified in the source and has to be as it is.
We're using CsvHelper v 15.0.0.
Is it a known CsvParser issue? (I was trying to get away without adding additional parsing/replacement).
Here is my code (I have simplified it and use local file for the test purpose, but in reality it goes to the AzureBlobStorage):
private static readonly string delimiter = "@" + new string('\u0007', 1);
private static string filePath = "C:\\Downloads\\000_From_Blob";
private static IEnumerable<string[]> ParseCompressedClientFormattedStream(string filePath, string delimiter)
using (var remoteStream = File.OpenText(filePath))
using (var csvReader = new CsvParser(remoteStream, new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) { Delimiter = delimiter.ToString(), BadDataFound = null }))
for (; ; )
var line = csvReader.Read();
if (line != null) yield return line;
else break;
Here are 2 sample lines from the source file. The first line being parsed correctly. But the 2nd one does not split where it has double "@":
It appears to be a bug in CsvHelper package of v15.0.0. Updating it to the latest version 15.0.5 - has fixed the issue.