I've listed below the 8 constructors of PrintWriter
PrintWriter(File file)
, PrintWriter(File file, String csn)
, PrintWriter(OutputStream out)
PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush)
, PrintWriter(String fileName)
PrintWriter(String fileName, String csn)
, PrintWriter(Writer out)
PrintWriter(Writer out, boolean autoFlush)
If there's no PrintWriter contructor that takes PrintStream, then how come we can write a statment like I've written below?
If there's no PrintWriter contructor that takes BufferedWriter, then how come we can write a statment like I've written below?
PrintWriter writer1 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
PrintWriter writer2;
writer2 = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(outdir, reportFileName))));
Thanks in advance.
This is possible because PrintStream inherits from FilterOutputStream and the latter again from OutputStream.
A BufferedWriter inherits from Writer.
Writer and OutputStream are possible variables in the PrintWriter constructors. The big topic, what we are talking about here, is inheritance. There is a good post for this.