I have created OData Web Service using Microsoft.AspNet.OData(7.2.0) with .NET Framework 4.7.
My OData Web Service was working correctly, the URI endpoints were case-insensitive, like:
Later, I enhanced my OData Web Service with versioning using Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Versioning(4.0.0)
My OData Web Service works correctly only for the case-sensitive URI endpoints now, like:
Please how to set up the URI Endpoints to be case-insensitive after the Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Versioning(4.0.0) came into the project?
I can't tell you the exact reason why adding versioning via Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Versioning fails, but I can provide a workaround. See the CoinfigureContainer method below.
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
config.AddApiVersioning(setup =>
setup.DefaultApiVersion = new Microsoft.Web.Http.ApiVersion(1, 0);
setup.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
VersionedODataModelBuilder modelBuilder = new VersionedODataModelBuilder(config)
ModelBuilderFactory = () => new ODataConventionModelBuilder().EnableLowerCamelCase(),
ModelConfigurations = { new xxxxConfiguration(), new yyyyConfiguration() }
config.MapVersionedODataRoutes("ODataRoute", "odata/v{apiVersion}", modelBuilder.GetEdmModels(), ConfigureContainer);
static void ConfigureContainer(IContainerBuilder builder)
builder.AddService<ODataUriResolver>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => new UnqualifiedCallAndEnumPrefixFreeResolver() { EnableCaseInsensitive = true });
My speculation is that the addition of the versioning library somehow replaces the ODataUriResolver that has the EnablesCaseInsensitive = true property set. This code "resets" the ODataUriResolver.
FYI - I stumbled across the code that this is based on at https://github.com/microsoft/aspnet-api-versioning/blob/master/samples/webapi/BasicODataWebApiSample/Startup.cs.