Bellow is the App.js file. when ever I click on any of the nav bar the selected route is rendered.
function App() {
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/success-cards" component={Success_Cards} />
<Route path="/failure-cards" component={Failure_Cards} />
<Route path="/snap-photo" component={Snap_Photo} />
<Route path="/all-cards" component={All_Cards} />
<Route path="/user-guide" component={User_Guide}/>
<Route path="/rejected-cards" component={Rejected_Cards} />
export default App;
What I want is when I am clicking on some nav bar then it should call an API as a default to fetch few data. The challenging part is what method should I use to achieve on route change call a function to fetch data. Can anyone please help. I have tried comoponentDidMount, componentShouldMount etc...
Regarding to documentation fetching data in componentDidMount is a right choice