I am running some service working with delay in parallel. The task is to not wait while all services have finished execution.
Observable.just(2, 3, 5)
.map(delay -> serviceReturningSingleWithDelay(delay))
.flatMap(list ->
Single.zip(list, output -> Arrays.stream(output)
.map(delay -> (Integer) delay)
.filter(delay -> delay == 3)
private Single<Integer> serviceReturningSingleWithDelay(Integer delay) {
return Single.just(delay)
.delay(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.doOnSuccess(s -> System.out.printf("Delay %d: Thread : %s \n", delay, Thread.currentThread().getName()));
Now my output is:
Delay 2: Thread : RxComputationThreadPool-1
Delay 3: Thread : RxComputationThreadPool-2
Delay 5: Thread : RxComputationThreadPool-3
The desired result is to obtain filtered value - 3 before RxComputationThreadPool-3 thread finished execution. I will be thankful for any ideas.
If you want to run them all in parallel and exit when you receive value 3, you don't need to use zip
. Rather use takeWhile
to interrupt your observable like the following :
Observable.just(2, 3, 5)
.takeWhile(e -> e != 3)
And if you want the 3
value use takeUntil(e -> e == 3)
instead of takeWhile(e -> e != 3)