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Does CVE always has a fixed patch?

I'm not sure if there is always a patch to the corresponding CVE ?

And what if patch_a doesn't fix the CVE properly and then here comes patch_b, so there are two patches to fix one certain CVE. In this case will the CVE reference updated?


  • To give a correct answer we have to check the CVE publication processes,

    To begin, the person who find a vulnerability have to tell it to the editor of the impacted product. After that, the editor have a period to provide a patch. After this period the vulnerability is published.

    Usually the editor have already create a patch and the website who publish the CVE give a link to the patch. But sometime, after the period there's no patch. Sometime the editor made the decision not to provide a patch. many reason for that :

    • The impacted product are not supported ;
    • The editor did not have enough time to provide a patch. So it is therefore possible not to find a patch for a CVE.

    For the second question, usually, when a patch does not fix properly a vulnerability a second CVE ID are created with a new patch.