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how to update column with row number in group by result in MySQL

Sample Data:

id  |  room_id  |  seat_num
1   |   1      |  null
2   |   1      |  null
3   |   2      |  null
4   |   2      |  null

Desire Data:

id  |  room_id  |  seat_num
1   |   1      |  1
2   |   1      |  2
3   |   2      |  1
4   |   2      |  2

how to write a sql to update the room seat number to serial num in MySQL 5.7? the room's seat is from 2-20.


  • One option uses the update/join syntax. In MySQL 5.7, where window functions are not available, you can emulate row_number() with a correlated subquery (which is somehow safer than user variables):

    update mytable t
    inner join (
        select id, 
            (select count(*) from mytable t1 where t1.room_id = t.room_id and <= rn
        from mytable t
    ) t1 on =
    set t.seat_num = t1.rn

    Demo on DB Fiddle:

    id | room_id | seat_num
    :- | ------: | :-------
    1  |       1 | 1       
    2  |       1 | 2       
    3  |       2 | 1       
    4  |       2 | 2