I have static folder location for bulk edit my photo (~Desktop/New folder). I have some photos inside this folder and camera raw setting file (*.xmp). I have to edit my photo one by one with CameraRAW setting files, maybe like this:
Photo 1.jpg -> apply Setting 1.xmp;
Photo 2.jpg -> apply Setting 2.xmp;
Photo 3.jpg -> apply Setting 3.xmp;
Photo 4.jpg -> apply Setting 4.xmp;
Photo 5.jpg -> apply Setting 5.xmp;
All photos and settings in same folder. Can it be processed automatically like bulk image editing actions in Photoshop using javascript /jsx ?,
Thank you so much for your help.
I think it is possibly, but it looks like the Camera Raw Filter isn't accessible via the usual activeDocument.activeLayer.applyCameraRaw(settings1, setting2...)
I thought you might be able to assign an explicit XMP, but it seems they are referred to by a unique ID taken from the XMP file 9 crs:UUID="A9A83D3876A04E49B36071604D357846")
The scriptListener code is really ugly. Take a look for yourself:
// =======================================================
var idAdobeCameraRawFilter = stringIDToTypeID( "Adobe Camera Raw Filter" );
var desc8 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idCMod = charIDToTypeID( "CMod" );
desc8.putString( idCMod, """Filter""" );
var idSett = charIDToTypeID( "Sett" );
var idSett = charIDToTypeID( "Sett" );
var idCst = charIDToTypeID( "Cst " );
desc8.putEnumerated( idSett, idSett, idCst );
var idWBal = charIDToTypeID( "WBal" );
var idWBal = charIDToTypeID( "WBal" );
var idAsSh = charIDToTypeID( "AsSh" );
desc8.putEnumerated( idWBal, idWBal, idAsSh );
var idTemp = charIDToTypeID( "Temp" );
desc8.putInteger( idTemp, 0 );
var idTint = charIDToTypeID( "Tint" );
desc8.putInteger( idTint, 0 );
var idCtoG = charIDToTypeID( "CtoG" );
desc8.putBoolean( idCtoG, false );
var idStrt = charIDToTypeID( "Strt" );
desc8.putInteger( idStrt, 0 );
var idShrp = charIDToTypeID( "Shrp" );
desc8.putInteger( idShrp, 0 );
var idLNR = charIDToTypeID( "LNR " );
desc8.putInteger( idLNR, 0 );
var idCNR = charIDToTypeID( "CNR " );
desc8.putInteger( idCNR, 0 );
var idVigA = charIDToTypeID( "VigA" );
desc8.putInteger( idVigA, 0 );
var idBlkB = charIDToTypeID( "BlkB" );
desc8.putInteger( idBlkB, 0 );
var idRHue = charIDToTypeID( "RHue" );
desc8.putInteger( idRHue, 0 );
var idRSat = charIDToTypeID( "RSat" );
desc8.putInteger( idRSat, 0 );
var idGHue = charIDToTypeID( "GHue" );
desc8.putInteger( idGHue, 0 );
var idGSat = charIDToTypeID( "GSat" );
desc8.putInteger( idGSat, 0 );
var idBHue = charIDToTypeID( "BHue" );
desc8.putInteger( idBHue, 0 );
var idBSat = charIDToTypeID( "BSat" );
desc8.putInteger( idBSat, 0 );
var idVibr = charIDToTypeID( "Vibr" );
desc8.putInteger( idVibr, 0 );
var idHA_R = charIDToTypeID( "HA_R" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_R, 0 );
var idHA_O = charIDToTypeID( "HA_O" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_O, 0 );
var idHA_Y = charIDToTypeID( "HA_Y" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_Y, 0 );
var idHA_G = charIDToTypeID( "HA_G" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_G, 0 );
var idHA_A = charIDToTypeID( "HA_A" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_A, 0 );
var idHA_B = charIDToTypeID( "HA_B" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_B, 0 );
var idHA_P = charIDToTypeID( "HA_P" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_P, 0 );
var idHA_M = charIDToTypeID( "HA_M" );
desc8.putInteger( idHA_M, 0 );
var idSA_R = charIDToTypeID( "SA_R" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_R, 0 );
var idSA_O = charIDToTypeID( "SA_O" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_O, 0 );
var idSA_Y = charIDToTypeID( "SA_Y" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_Y, 0 );
var idSA_G = charIDToTypeID( "SA_G" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_G, 0 );
var idSA_A = charIDToTypeID( "SA_A" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_A, 0 );
var idSA_B = charIDToTypeID( "SA_B" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_B, 0 );
var idSA_P = charIDToTypeID( "SA_P" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_P, 0 );
var idSA_M = charIDToTypeID( "SA_M" );
desc8.putInteger( idSA_M, 0 );
var idLA_R = charIDToTypeID( "LA_R" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_R, 0 );
var idLA_O = charIDToTypeID( "LA_O" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_O, 0 );
var idLA_Y = charIDToTypeID( "LA_Y" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_Y, 0 );
var idLA_G = charIDToTypeID( "LA_G" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_G, 0 );
var idLA_A = charIDToTypeID( "LA_A" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_A, 0 );
var idLA_B = charIDToTypeID( "LA_B" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_B, 0 );
var idLA_P = charIDToTypeID( "LA_P" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_P, 0 );
var idLA_M = charIDToTypeID( "LA_M" );
desc8.putInteger( idLA_M, 0 );
var idSTSH = charIDToTypeID( "STSH" );
desc8.putInteger( idSTSH, 0 );
var idSTSS = charIDToTypeID( "STSS" );
desc8.putInteger( idSTSS, 0 );
var idSTHH = charIDToTypeID( "STHH" );
desc8.putInteger( idSTHH, 0 );
var idSTHS = charIDToTypeID( "STHS" );
desc8.putInteger( idSTHS, 0 );
var idSTB = charIDToTypeID( "STB " );
desc8.putInteger( idSTB, 0 );
var idPC_S = charIDToTypeID( "PC_S" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_S, 0 );
var idPC_D = charIDToTypeID( "PC_D" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_D, 0 );
var idPC_L = charIDToTypeID( "PC_L" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_L, 0 );
var idPC_H = charIDToTypeID( "PC_H" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_H, 0 );
var idPC_one = charIDToTypeID( "PC_1" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_one, 25 );
var idPC_two = charIDToTypeID( "PC_2" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_two, 50 );
var idPC_three = charIDToTypeID( "PC_3" );
desc8.putInteger( idPC_three, 75 );
var idShpR = charIDToTypeID( "ShpR" );
desc8.putDouble( idShpR, 1.000000 );
var idShpD = charIDToTypeID( "ShpD" );
desc8.putInteger( idShpD, 25 );
var idShpM = charIDToTypeID( "ShpM" );
desc8.putInteger( idShpM, 0 );
var idPCVA = charIDToTypeID( "PCVA" );
desc8.putInteger( idPCVA, 0 );
var idGRNA = charIDToTypeID( "GRNA" );
desc8.putInteger( idGRNA, 0 );
var idLPEn = charIDToTypeID( "LPEn" );
desc8.putInteger( idLPEn, 0 );
var idMDis = charIDToTypeID( "MDis" );
desc8.putInteger( idMDis, 0 );
var idPerV = charIDToTypeID( "PerV" );
desc8.putInteger( idPerV, 0 );
var idPerH = charIDToTypeID( "PerH" );
desc8.putInteger( idPerH, 0 );
var idPerR = charIDToTypeID( "PerR" );
desc8.putDouble( idPerR, 0.000000 );
var idPerS = charIDToTypeID( "PerS" );
desc8.putInteger( idPerS, 100 );
var idPerA = charIDToTypeID( "PerA" );
desc8.putInteger( idPerA, 0 );
var idPerU = charIDToTypeID( "PerU" );
desc8.putInteger( idPerU, 0 );
var idPerX = charIDToTypeID( "PerX" );
desc8.putDouble( idPerX, 0.000000 );
var idPerY = charIDToTypeID( "PerY" );
desc8.putDouble( idPerY, 0.000000 );
var idAuCA = charIDToTypeID( "AuCA" );
desc8.putInteger( idAuCA, 0 );
var idExonetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Ex12" );
desc8.putDouble( idExonetwo, 0.000000 );
var idCronetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Cr12" );
desc8.putInteger( idCronetwo, 0 );
var idHionetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Hi12" );
desc8.putInteger( idHionetwo, 0 );
var idShonetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Sh12" );
desc8.putInteger( idShonetwo, 0 );
var idWhonetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Wh12" );
desc8.putInteger( idWhonetwo, 30 );
var idBkonetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Bk12" );
desc8.putInteger( idBkonetwo, -30 );
var idClonetwo = charIDToTypeID( "Cl12" );
desc8.putInteger( idClonetwo, 0 );
var idDfPA = charIDToTypeID( "DfPA" );
desc8.putInteger( idDfPA, 0 );
var idDPHL = charIDToTypeID( "DPHL" );
desc8.putInteger( idDPHL, 30 );
var idDPHH = charIDToTypeID( "DPHH" );
desc8.putInteger( idDPHH, 70 );
var idDfGA = charIDToTypeID( "DfGA" );
desc8.putInteger( idDfGA, 0 );
var idDPGL = charIDToTypeID( "DPGL" );
desc8.putInteger( idDPGL, 40 );
var idDPGH = charIDToTypeID( "DPGH" );
desc8.putInteger( idDPGH, 60 );
var idDhze = charIDToTypeID( "Dhze" );
desc8.putInteger( idDhze, 0 );
var idTMMs = charIDToTypeID( "TMMs" );
desc8.putInteger( idTMMs, 0 );
var idCrv = charIDToTypeID( "Crv " );
var list1 = new ActionList();
list1.putInteger( 0 );
list1.putInteger( 0 );
list1.putInteger( 255 );
list1.putInteger( 255 );
desc8.putList( idCrv, list1 );
var idCrvR = charIDToTypeID( "CrvR" );
var list2 = new ActionList();
list2.putInteger( 0 );
list2.putInteger( 0 );
list2.putInteger( 255 );
list2.putInteger( 255 );
desc8.putList( idCrvR, list2 );
var idCrvG = charIDToTypeID( "CrvG" );
var list3 = new ActionList();
list3.putInteger( 0 );
list3.putInteger( 0 );
list3.putInteger( 255 );
list3.putInteger( 255 );
desc8.putList( idCrvG, list3 );
var idCrvB = charIDToTypeID( "CrvB" );
var list4 = new ActionList();
list4.putInteger( 0 );
list4.putInteger( 0 );
list4.putInteger( 255 );
list4.putInteger( 255 );
desc8.putList( idCrvB, list4 );
var idCamP = charIDToTypeID( "CamP" );
desc8.putString( idCamP, """Embedded""" );
var idCP_D = charIDToTypeID( "CP_D" );
desc8.putString( idCP_D, """54650A341B5B5CCAE8442D0B43A92BCE""" );
var idPrVe = charIDToTypeID( "PrVe" );
desc8.putInteger( idPrVe, 167772160 );
var idRtch = charIDToTypeID( "Rtch" );
desc8.putString( idRtch, """""" );
var idREye = charIDToTypeID( "REye" );
desc8.putString( idREye, """""" );
var idLCs = charIDToTypeID( "LCs " );
desc8.putString( idLCs, """""" );
var idUpri = charIDToTypeID( "Upri" );
desc8.putString( idUpri, """<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21 ">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
""" );
var idGuUr = charIDToTypeID( "GuUr" );
desc8.putString( idGuUr, """""" );
var idLook = charIDToTypeID( "Look" );
desc8.putString( idLook, """<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21 ">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
crs:Name="B&W 03"
crs:Copyright="© 2018 Adobe Systems, Inc."
<rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">B&W 03</rdf:li>
<rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">B&W</rdf:li>
""" );
var idPset = charIDToTypeID( "Pset" );
desc8.putString( idPset, """<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21 ">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
crs:Name="B&W High Contrast"
crs:Cluster="Adobe 1.3"
<rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">B&W</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>0, 0</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>255, 255</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>0, 0</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>255, 255</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>0, 0</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>255, 255</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>0, 0</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>255, 255</rdf:li>
""" );
executeAction( idAdobeCameraRawFilter, desc8, DialogModes.NO );
I think, in this case recording an Action for each setting may be your best bet.