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Align button in a Card Footer to the right in React Bootstrap

I am trying to align a button (And eventually 2 buttons) to the right in a Card.footer in React Bootstrap. i have tried style=={{display: 'flex', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'flex-end', float: 'right'}} and className='btn btn-success btn-lg float-right' and many combinations of these without anything changing.

my card is as follows:

<Card style={{ marginBottom: "15px", marginTop: "15px", cursor: 'pointer' }}>
                Card Content
            <Button className='btn btn-success btn-lg float-right' style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'flex-end', float: 'right' }}>Like</Button>


  • Use ml-auto class (margin-left: auto)

    <Button className="btn btn-success btn-lg ml-auto">

    For subsequent buttons to the right, apply ml-x e.g., ml-2

      <Button className="btn btn-success btn-lg ml-auto">Like</Button>
      <Button className="btn btn-success btn-lg ml-2">Another Btn</Button>