This started happening suddenly when debugging a seemingly unrelated error on Netlify build. I do not have this issue locally. I've cleared my cache, deleted my package-lock and node module folder and updated everything, as well as ran a build without cache on Netlify. I've checked the file/folder names for case sensitive also. What could it be?
One of the templates the component is used:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import GridTemplate from '../components/GridTemplate/GridTemplate.js'
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
class Mediums extends Component {
render() {
let allTitles = [] post => {
return (
<div style={{position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%", overflow: "hidden", overflowY: "scroll"}}>
<HeaderMeta subTitle={this.props.pageContext.medium} itemGroup={}/>
export default Mediums
The GridTemplate component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import S from './imageGrid.module.sass'
import ArtImage from '../ArtImgae/ArtImage.js'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import { arrowSvg } from '../../img/svg-index.js'
import InlineSVG from 'svg-inline-react'
import Header from '../Header/Header.js'
import 'typeface-alegreya-sans-sc'
import 'typeface-cinzel-decorative'
import 'typeface-cinzel'
class GridTemplate extends Component {
render() {
const postLinks = post => {
const frontmatter = post.node.frontmatter
return (
<div key={post.node.fields.slug} className={S.imageItem}>
//pass prop of cat / med paths for back button on art item
state={{pastUrl: this.props.pastUrl || null}}
//from context
const title = this.props.title
//const totalCount = not used
return (
<section id={S.GridTemplate}>
<div className={S.headerHolder}>
<Header to={["home", "archive"]} white={true} />
<div className={S.titleHolder}>
<Link to = "/store" className={S.storeLink} >
<InlineSVG src={arrowSvg} />
<h1 id={S.mediumTitle}>{title}</h1>
<div className={S.imageGrid}>
export default GridTemplate
File structure:
The component GridTemplate.js
is used by categorys.js
and mediums.js
Found it. Turns out my renaming of the path to the component folder to uppercase was never noticed by my Mac OS, despite appearing uppercase. On Githubs end, the path was still lower case, which was wrong. Used this gude to rename from Githubs end.