I have 6 buttons. Each has a different text on it. Pushing any button calls the one same method which changes the text and changes button positions between them. I can't figure out how to get the text from a specific button when it pushed. I can only return either random button text or all of them. Somewhat like this:
public void ReadFromButton()
Button button;
button = GetComponent<Button>();
var koba = button.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text;
So I need any advice. Thanks.
You can add an int
to your button click function like ReadFromButton(int i)
and then in unity give your buttons numbers in onclickevent, according to your public Text[] buttontexts
public Text[] buttontexts;
public void ReadFromButton(int i)
var koba = buttontexts[i].text;
But i believe there is more ways to do that.