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Why does `ns` and `rcs` generate different predictions in R?

My understanding is that rcs() (from the rms package) uses a truncated-power basis to represent natural (restricted) cubic splines. Alternatively, I could use ns() (from the splines package) that uses a B-spline basis.

However, I noticed that the training fits and testing predictions could be very different (especially when x is extrapolated). I'm trying to understand the differences between rcs() and ns() and whether I could use the functions interchangeably.

Fake non-linear data.



xx <- rnorm(1000)
yy <- 10 + 5*xx - 0.5*xx^2 - 2*xx^3 + rnorm(1000, 0, 4)
df <- data.frame(x=xx, y=yy)

Fit one model with ns and another with rcs with the same knots.

ns_mod <- lm(y ~ ns(x, knots=c(-2, 0, 2)), data=df)

ddist <- datadist(df)
options("datadist" = "ddist")

trunc_power_mod <- ols(y ~ rcs(x, knots=c(-2, 0, 2)), data=df)

Examine their fits (MSE).


df$pred_ns <- ns_mod$fitted.values
df$pred_trunc_power <- trunc_power_mod$fitted.values

df_melt <- df %>% 
  gather(key="model", value="predictions", -x, -y)

ggplot(df_melt, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.1) +
  geom_line(aes(x=x, y=predictions, group=model, linetype=model))

enter image description here

Generate a test data set and plot the predictions between the two models.

newdata <- data.frame(x=seq(-10, 10, 0.1))

pred_ns_new <- predict(ns_mod, newdata=newdata)
pred_trunc_new <- predict(trunc_power_mod, newdata=newdata)

newdata$pred_ns_new <- pred_ns_new
newdata$pred_trunc_new <- pred_trunc_new

newdata_melted <- newdata %>% 
  gather(key="model", value="predictions", -x)

ggplot(newdata_melted, aes(x=x, y=predictions, group=model, linetype=model)) +



  • There's a fairly simple explanation: knots is not an argument to rcs(). It wants the knots to be specified using parameter parms. Another issue is that the knots parameter to ns() doesn't specify the "boundary knots", which default to range(x). So to get the same predictions, you need

    trunc_power_mod <- ols(y ~ rcs(x, parms=c(min(x), -2, 0, 2, max(x))), data=df)