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Confusion about type refinement syntax

On Type Level, i stumble upon the following:

sealed abstract class StSource[A] {
  type S
  def init: S            // create the initial state
  def emit(s: S): (A, S) // emit a value, and update state

object StSource {
  type Aux[A, S0] = StSource[A] {type S = S0}

  def apply[A, S0](i: S0)(f: S0 => (A, S0)): Aux[A, S0] =
    new StSource[A] {
      type S = S0
      def init = i
      def emit(s: S0) = f(s)

The line that intrigued me is type Aux[A, S0] = StSource[A] {type S = S0}

In paerticular {type S = S0} in StSource[A] {type S = S0}

I do not really know how to read this, as in interpreting the construct involved here.

What is StSource[A] {type S = S0} ??? is that a structural type (part of it looks like it)

When defining type like trait, or class, Is the body of a class part of the type constructor represented by the class itself? what happened to the method in it ?

Really confused. Can someone deconstruct that please ?


  • StSource[A] {type S = S0} is a refined type. {type S = S0} is a type refinement.

    From one side, StSource[A] {type S = S0} is a subtype of StSource[A].

    From the other side, StSource[A] is also an existential type with respect to StSource[A] {type S = S0}, namely StSource[A] is StSource.Aux[A, _] (aka StSource.Aux[A, X] forSome {type X}).

    def test[A, S] = {
      implicitly[StSource.Aux[A, S] <:< StSource[A]]
      implicitly[StSource.Aux[A, _] =:= StSource[A]]
      implicitly[StSource[A] =:= StSource.Aux[A, _]]

    A compound type 𝑇1 with … with 𝑇𝑛{𝑅} represents objects with members as given in the component types 𝑇1,…,𝑇𝑛 and the refinement {𝑅}. A refinement {𝑅} contains declarations and type definitions. If a declaration or definition overrides a declaration or definition in one of the component types 𝑇1,…,𝑇𝑛, the usual rules for overriding apply; otherwise the declaration or definition is said to be β€œstructural”.

    See also examples how to use refined types:

    How can I have a method parameter with type dependent on an implicit parameter?

    When are dependent types needed in Shapeless?

    Why is the Aux technique required for type-level computations?

    Understanding the Aux pattern in Scala Type System

    Enforcing that dependent return type must implement typeclass

    When defining type like trait, or class, Is the body of a class part of the type constructor represented by the class itself? what happened to the method in it ?

    You can replace

    def apply[A, S0](i: S0)(f: S0 => (A, S0)): Aux[A, S0] =
      new StSource[A] {
        override type S = S0
        override def init = i
        override def emit(s: S0) = f(s)


    def apply[A, S0](i: S0)(f: S0 => (A, S0)): StSource[A] {type S = S0} =
      new StSource[A] {
        override type S = S0
        override def init = i
        override def emit(s: S0) = f(s)


    def apply[A, S0](i: S0)(f: S0 => (A, S0)): StSource[A] {
      type S = S0
      def init: S
      def emit(s: S): (A, S)
    } =
      new StSource[A] {
        override type S = S0
        override def init = i
        override def emit(s: S0) = f(s)

    but there is no sense in that because the type remains the same

    def test[A, S0] = {
      implicitly[(StSource[A] {
        type S = S0
        def init: S
        def emit(s: S): (A, S)
      }) =:= (StSource[A] {type S = S0})]

    When you add type S = S0 to the type you provide additional information (that type S is specific) but when you add def init: S, def emit(s: S): (A, S) to the type you don't provide additional information (methods init, emit being there is clear from the definition of class StSource[A]).

    Other situation would be if the class were defined as just

    sealed abstract class StSource[A] {
      type S

    or even

    sealed abstract class StSource[A]


    StSource[A] {
      type S = S0
      def init: S
      def emit(s: S): (A, S)

    would be a type different from StSource[A] or StSource[A] {type S = S0} (a subtype of them). It would be a structural type (existence of init, emit would be checked using runtime reflection). Here

      type S = S0
      def init: S
      def emit(s: S): (A, S)

    is a refinement but not type refinement.

    Unlike defs (init, emit) type members don't have runtime representation (unless you persist them, e.g. with TypeTags) so using type refinement doesn't have runtime overhead.