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Simple Example for JANUS WebRTC Using Javascript

I want to create a video streaming app using Janus.

I setup Janus gateway which is working very well

I wan to setup one way live streaming one-to-many. Screen Sharing Test quite similar what i want but i need webcam access instead of screen Share. How can I achieve this. I have very limited knowledge in JavaScript. I want to integrate this in PHP based application. Screen share test script works fine in my application. I gone through documentation but its going over my head.

here is screen share script

Could anyone please guide me how can I achieve above.


  • There is a quick hack...

    Just change

    capture = "screen";


    capture = "true";

    it may work what actually you are looking for. but not the complete solution.

    If there should be simple example really that might be helpful for lot people.

    any how Happy Coding