I am loading an ad network using this code:
$.getJSON('https://server.ads.io/api/v1/decision/?publisher=xx-com&ad_types=text-v1&format=jsonp', function (data) {
In a scenario where https://server.ads.io
takes too long to load, the browser will wait for the ad ad aeternum. What I am looking for, is a way to cancel the getJSON after, let's say, 3 seconds of waiting with no response. Any idea how to accomplish that?
You can manually abort the request as mentioned in my comment.
You need to set the getJSON
as variable
and call that variable
in a setTimeout
after three seconds to abort
the request.
//kill the request
}, 3000) //3 seconds
Final code you can try will be like this:
var adRequest = $.getJSON('https://server.ads.io/api/v1/decision/?publisher=xx-com&ad_types=text-v1&format=jsonp', function(data) {
setTimeout(function() {
//kill the request
}, 3000) //3 seconds
If you want to use $.ajax
you can use take advantage of native timeout
url: 'https://server.ads.io/api/v1/decision/?publisher=xx-com&ad_types=text-v1&format=jsonp',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
timeout: 3000 //3 seconds