I'm writing a web component enhancer function and I need to run something when the element is removed from the DOM - but I know this after the fact. I've used MutationObserver - but my component is used a lot around the page and multiple mutation observers are causing a performance issue.
Here's an attempt to do this without MutationObserver:
class TestComponent extends HTMLElement {
disconnectedCallback() {
window.customElements.define('test-component', TestComponent);
function enrichComponent(component) {
const originalDisconnectedCallback = component.disconnectedCallback;
component.disconnectedCallback = function() {
const component = document.createElement('test-component');
component.remove(); // logs 'CB' but no 'CB1'
This doesn't work.
Is there a way to 'monkeypatch' disconnectedCallback
I'd break it into two solutions, each closer to the specific use-case:
within that component - better to do the whole management within the component and not enrich/extend it from the outside (yes, even if you have this pattern repeated for a several components in the whole system)disconnectedCallback
should dispatch a disconnect
event and the listener should be attached to it - otherwise this solution is just not scaleable / open for extensions (think of the case when another teammate need to add some more logic on disconnect, logic that is decoupled from the one found in the first listener)