I am creating a class called "Crate" that will read an input file of integers representing objects dimensions in inches and output a report containing the crate sizes required for each respective item. Everything seemed fine until I tried to test my methods, as I am unable to call them from main(). When trying, I get an error message saying, "non-static method createReport() cannot be referenced from a static context."
I am a beginner, so if anything is fundamentally wrong I will happily accept criticism. I am just curious if there is a simple fix to this and what my gap in knowledge is regarding static/non-static methods.
package crate;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Crate {
private Crate[] crateList;
private int crateAmount;
private int height, width, depth, panels;
private int smallestCratePosition, smallestCrateSize;
private int largestCratePosition, largestCrateSize;
private double averageCrateSize;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
public Crate() {
height = 1;
width = 1;
depth = 1;
panels = 6;
public void createReport() throws IOException {
Scanner infile = new Scanner(new File("ShippingSizes.txt"));
PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter(new File("CrateReport.txt"));
outfile.println("There are " + crateAmount + " crates.");
for (int i = 0; i < crateList.length; i++) {
outfile.println(i + ": height=" + crateList[i].getHeight() + ", width=" +
crateList[i].getWidth() + ", depth=" + crateList[i].getDepth() +
", panels=" + crateList[i].getPanels());
outfile.println("\n" + "Smallest crate is at " + smallestCratePosition +
": height=" + crateList[smallestCratePosition].getHeight() + ", width=" +
crateList[smallestCratePosition].getWidth() + ", depth=" +
crateList[smallestCratePosition].getDepth() + ", panels=" +
outfile.println("Largest crate is at " + largestCratePosition + ": height," +
crateList[largestCratePosition].getHeight() + ", width=" +
crateList[largestCratePosition].getWidth() + ", depth=" +
crateList[largestCratePosition].getDepth() + ", panels=" +
outfile.println("Average crate size is: " + averageCrateSize);
public void setCrateDimensions(Scanner scnr) {
int tempValue = scnr.nextInt();
height = tempValue/12;
if (tempValue%12 != 0)
tempValue = scnr.nextInt();
width = tempValue/12;
if (tempValue%12 != 0)
tempValue = scnr.nextInt();
depth = tempValue/12;
if (tempValue%12 != 0)
panels = 2*((height*width)+(height*depth)+(width*depth));
public void createCrateList(Scanner scnr) {
crateAmount = scnr.nextInt();
for (int i = 0; i < crateAmount; i++) {
public void getSmallestCrate() {
smallestCrateSize = crateList[0].getPanels();
for (int i = 0; i < crateList.length; i++) {
if (crateList[i].getPanels() < smallestCrateSize) {
smallestCratePosition = i;
smallestCrateSize = crateList[i].getPanels();
public void getLargestCrate() {
largestCrateSize = crateList[0].getPanels();
for (int i = 0; i < crateList.length; i++) {
if (crateList[i].getPanels() > largestCrateSize) {
largestCratePosition = i;
largestCrateSize = crateList[i].getPanels();
public void getAverageCrateSize() {
double totalPanels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < crateList.length; i++)
totalPanels += crateList[i].getPanels();
averageCrateSize = totalPanels / (double)(crateList.length);
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public int getPanels() {
return panels;
I tried declaring the Scanner, PrintWriter, Crate[] object, and crateAmount integer inside of main(), however this only led to the same issue later on as I was unable to use those variables in my methods. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Non-static methods belong to an instance of a class, not the class itself. This is why you can't access the createReport()
method from main()
, because main is in the static scope, while createReport is not. Try instantiating an instance of the class and calling createReport()
on the object.
For example:
Crate crate = new Crate();