I´ve tried using google_download(“URL”, “local_path”) from “GoogleDrive” library, but it seems to only get the first sheet in csv format.
Have any clue?
It looks like the guts of GoogleDrive.jl
is just doing some url manipulation.
isg_sheet(url) = occursin("docs.google.com/spreadsheets", url)
isg_drive(url) = occursin("drive.google.com", url)
function sheet_handler(url; format=:csv)
link, expo = splitdir(url)
if startswith(expo, "edit") || expo == ""
url = link * "/export?format=$format"
elseif startswith(expo, "export")
url = replace(url, r"format=([a-zA-Z]*)(.*)"=>SubstitutionString("format=$format\\2"))
function google_download(url, localdir)
long_url = unshortlink(url)
if isg_sheet(long_url)
long_url = sheet_handler(long_url)
if isg_drive(long_url)
drive_download(long_url, localdir)
DataDeps.fetch_http(long_url, localdir)
If you want to do much more than that you need to actually use the Google Sheet's API.
GET https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}
With the GET on a spreadsheet id (found in the URL for the spreadsheet) the response contains the ids for all the sheets in the spreadsheet.
"spreadsheetId": string,
"properties": {
object (SpreadsheetProperties)
"sheets": [
object (Sheet)
"namedRanges": [
object (NamedRange)
"spreadsheetUrl": string,
"developerMetadata": [
object (DeveloperMetadata)
Then you can pull out those sheet id's and do something with them, such as do an export request on each with a format of csv.
for each sheetIf you don't want to use the API, and just copy those ids out of the browser URL as you click on each, you may be able to turn them into download links.
To get them to go thru the export link properly you need to pass the gid into the export url like so:
(This is a slightly modified version of GoogleDrive.sheet_handler
that takes in the sheet gid)
function sheet_handler(url; format=:csv, sheet_gid=0)
link, expo = splitdir(url)
if startswith(expo, "edit") || expo == ""
url = link * "/export?format=$format&gid=$sheet_gid"
elseif startswith(expo, "export")
url = replace(url, r"format=([a-zA-Z]*)(.*)"=>SubstitutionString("format=$format&gid=$sheet_gid\\2"))
So for my example test sheet I had three sheets with the following gids
So to grab the third one, I did this:
DataDeps.fetch_http(sheet_handler(url; format=:csv, sheet_gid=1251741166), ".")
Here is the example run:
julia> using GoogleDrive
julia> using GoogleDrive.DataDeps
julia> url = read("link.txt", String)
julia> DataDeps.fetch_http(sheet_handler(url; format=:csv, sheet_gid=1251741166), ".")
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13-LtgMi8evaxGxUTwlZZ_lqmr8Epcqt1ZSPUszqWhW4/export?format=csv&gid=1251741166"
│ dest = "./export?format=csv&gid=1251741166"
│ progress = NaN
│ time_taken = "0.0 s"
│ time_remaining = "NaN s"
│ average_speed = "∞ B/s"
│ downloaded = "404 bytes"
│ remaining = "∞ B"
└ total = "∞ B"
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13-LtgMi8evaxGxUTwlZZ_lqmr8Epcqt1ZSPUszqWhW4/export?format=csv&gid=1251741166"
│ dest = "./download-test-julia-Sheet3.csv"
│ progress = NaN
│ time_taken = "0.0 s"
│ time_remaining = "NaN s"
│ average_speed = "7.324 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "15 bytes"
│ remaining = "∞ B"
└ total = "∞ B"
shell> cat download-test-julia-Sheet3.csv
Data on Sheet 3
If you use the sheet_handler
call and pass in a format that supports multiple sheets, then you can just parse and manipulate the output locally. Such as with xlsx
. I haven't tried it just now, but the call would be something like:
DataDeps.fetch_http(sheet_handler(url; format=:xlsx), ".")
Then find your favorite Julia Excel library and you are off to the races.