So I've made a couple of commands on discord.js and I got interesting yet confusing results, the embed outputs are all messed up like if I do a clear command It clears the messages but the embed results are the same as my ping command I tried to check my code but nothing seemed wrong here it is, I apologize if it's messy I don't know how to type properly, although the weird thing is that the part where the embed mix-up originated is just like the others, here is the code
.setTitle('Bot Latency:')
.setDescription(`${ - message.createdTimestamp} ms`)
.addField('API Latency', `${Math.round(}ms`)
.addField('Discord Status', ``)
You for sure have multiple embeds with the same variable. That can be the reason of the problem. Try giving every embed another name such as for a ping command
const pingembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
for a clear command
const clearembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
and doing so for all embeds.