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R Markdown - Reference Section Numbers in PDF

I am using R Markdown in R Studio and have a number of sections. I am attempting to reference the section number using a custom section reference label as documented here: but it doesn't seem to be working.

Here is some sample code:

Some paragraph text here

## Obtain Projected {#Projections}

Another paragraph with a reference to Section Number \@ref(Projections).

I'm hoping for the second paragraph to be rendered as:

"Another paragraph with a reference to Section Number 3.1." for example.

My relevant YAML headers are:

header-includes: |
output: rticles::tf_article

Does anyone have any idea how I can get this to work?


  • I figured it out shortly after posting, so sorry to post my own answer. I simply had to add bookdown to the my YAML section:

    header-includes: |
        base_format: rticles::tf_article

    And then this worked:

    Some paragraph text here

    ## Obtain Projected {#Projections}

    Another paragraph with a reference to Section Number \@ref(Projections).