I'm trying to export data from a file and add this data to an Excel file using ExcelJS.
'records' is an array that contains more than 165,000 elements in it. While writing the data to excel file, I get the error -
FATAL ERROR: invalid array length Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
The same script works for data with 'record' length 115,000 elements. Over the internet, I found the below method:
node --max-old-space-size=8192 <file_name>.js
This didn't work and I tried using the maximum capacity of my RAM (16384MB); which didn't help as well. I'm a newbie in NodeJS, and any help would be much appreciated.
ExcelJS has a streaming writer interface:
async function writeExcel(rows_array){
const workbook = new Excel.stream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter({ filename: 'stream.xlsx' })
const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('data')
for (const row of rows_array) {
await workbook.commit()
In this case, the data set could still present a memory problem due to the way the node/v8 garbage collector works. Garbage collection requires a tick of the event loop to actually clean up "freed" memory. If you run enough synchronous code, like a for
loop, and that loop allocates more memory each iteration, then the GC can't run until after a pause in the code (i.e the final worbook.commit()
. If you still run into OOM issues then you can force an async pause to allow the row memory that can be cleaned up after a .commit()
to actually be collected.
for (const i in rows_array) {
if (i % 10000 === 0) await Promise.resolve(true)