I have a function like this (I've omitted most of the function for brevity):
const char *
insn_name(VALUE i)
static const char x[] =
"nop" "\0"
"getlocal" "\0"
"setlocal" "\0";
I would like to get access to x
from lldb. nm is able to find the symbol:
$ nm -C miniruby | grep insn_name.x
00000001002cafa0 s _insn_name.x
00000001002ccbb0 s _insn_name.x
00000001002cdaf0 s _insn_name.x
I can print the address from lldb just fine:
(lldb) p (char*)0x1002cafa0
(char *) $45 = 0x00000001002cafa0 "nop"
I can look up information about the address:
(lldb) target modules lookup -Av -a 0x1002cafa0
Address: miniruby[0x00000001002cafa0] (miniruby.__TEXT.__const + 11440)
Summary: miniruby`insn_name.x
Module: file = "/Users/aaron/git/ruby/miniruby", arch = "x86_64"
Symbol: id = {0x0000263f}, range = [0x00000001002cafa0-0x00000001002cbb30), name="insn_name.x"
lldb must know about this thing, but I can't seem to figure out the command to look it up by name. Eventually I would like to find this address via Python in an lldb extension.
Thank you.
Like this:
image lookup -s insn_name.x
where image
is a builtin lldb synonym for target modules