I have a button which first load the audio and play, and If I click on him, it pauses the music as I wanted:
const navigation = useNavigation();
const soundObject = new Audio.Sound();
let playandpauseflag = 0;
let loadsoundonceflag = false;
async function loadsound(){
try {
await soundObject.loadAsync(require('./hello.mp3'));
} catch (error) {
async function loadplayandpausesong(){
//just load sound once
await loadsound();
loadsoundonceflag = false; //next time will not load the sound, just play
if(playandpauseflag == false){
await soundObject.playAsync(); //play
playandpauseflag = true;
}else{ //not false next time (true)
await soundObject.pauseAsync(); //pause
playandpauseflag = false;
I would like to change his style according to 'play' or 'pause'. This is the way I'm rendering the styles:
name="play" //if I put "pause" I'll have the 'pause' design that I want when I click to play the button
I tried name= playandpauseflag ? "pause" : "play", but it doesn't work correctly. It is a way, but it is bugging my loading application and I would like to know If I could do it by another way. Thank you so much!
Try using useState. For example,
const [playState, setPlayState] = useState('pause');
const onClick = () => {
if (playState === 'play') {
} else {
return (
<FontAwesome5 name={playState}></FontAwesome5>