I don't know how can I correctly convert child of ProductEntity (a type of ProductEntity) to Product.
class ProductEntity(id: EntityID<Int>) : BaseIntEntity(id, Products) {
companion object : BaseIntEntityClass<ProductEntity>(Products)
var name by Products.name
var parentProduct by ProductEntity optionalReferencedOn Products.parentProduct
fun toPojo() = Product(idValue, name, parentProduct?.toPojo())
data class Product(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val parentProduct: Product?
At this time I have the error: Type checking has run into a recursive problem. Can you tell me how to fix it?
I found a solution:
class Product(productEntity: ProductEntity) {
val id: Int = productEntity.idValue
val name: String = productEntity.name
val parentProduct = productEntity.parentProduct.toPojo()