Trying to understand how I should go about referencing the google apis for a static page web app. I am confused.
<script src="" async defer></script>
<script async defer src=""
onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === 'complete') this.onload()">
What are the differences? what url should one use? does it matter? Should one rather use the node client rather than web and compile it?
sergentj commented
The functionality in platform.js is a superset of the functionality in api.js. The documentation for those APIs is correct. If you are using both the sheets APIs and the sign-in API, platform.js will suffice, you needn't load both. You are correct that this is poorly documented, and we're aware that's a problem. Closing this since it is not going to be useful to track work on improving documentation (which is a much larger issue) here.