I have a program that uses tables of hard-coded values. E.g.
public static readonly IDictionary<SpecBuild, BuildInfo> Builds = new Dictionary<SpecBuild, BuildInfo> {
{ SpecBuild.WarriorArms,
new BuildInfo {
Class = Class.Warrior,
Name = "Arms",
Role = Role.Melee
{ SpecBuild.WarriorFury,
new BuildInfo {
Class = Class.Warrior,
Name = "Fury",
Role = Role.Melee
{ SpecBuild.WarriorProtection,
new BuildInfo {
Class = Class.Warrior,
Name = "Protection",
Role = Role.Tank
}, ...
This data seldom changes, so I am fine with hard-coding it. The problem is that it is hard to read this data, and formatting doesn't work because Resharper reformats it differently.
Ideally I would want a special format file with a custom VS2010 viewer that would present this info as a table and either generate a C# code for those table as part of compilation process, or maybe even compile it directly into MSIL (CLR).
I am looking for a turnkey solution, the problem is not severe enough to warrant any extra development.
Resharper lets me exclude files by extension, so I name my files *.data.cs, format data as I want it, and resharper won't reformat it.