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How do i display data from db on a route change?

I'm working on a messenger-like app in vue.js + firebase. What im'trying to do is to - on every route change get some of the data coresponding to the id(stored in route) from db and then display it on the screen. I am getting some weird behaviour with this data and it doesn't work how intended.

The code:

  methods: {
    getRoomName() {
        .onSnapshot((snapshot) => (this.roomName =;
  watch: {
    $route(to, from) {

where data:

data() {
    return {
      input: "",
      roomName: "",
      params: this.$,
      message: "",
      roomNameTest: "",

template: <span class="roomName">{{roomName}}</span>


  • First thing I noticed is that you are calling this.$route at data(), it will not work. If you need to populate something, try using Vue Lifecycle Hooks.